Value Creation
Strategy Solutions
Our performance, based on technical quality and the philosophy focused on full customer service, comprises the provision of services, in an individualized and reserved manner, creating relationships of reciprocal benefits, with results and wealth generation.
We start from the premise that perpetuity, except in exceptional cases, is the ultimate goal of organizations.
The combination of measures involving a strategy focused on key success factors, in the best corporate governance, management and crisis management practices creates a management model with mechanisms that result in the best performance of society.
We guide our activities so that organizations become prepared for perpetuity, have a continued existence for several generations in charge, which means long-term success and performance, achieved through profitable growth and the preservation of integrity.
Our principles guide our routine and our relationships
Grand Hill's culture is based on our values.
Our policy of open and honest communication results in trust and collaboration, our flexibility and diversity create a culture in which people share knowledge freely, with the best of each other.
Grand Hill serves companies and businesses that need to react to changes and in their markets.
We are a family owned and operated business.
More and more we want to be sure that the work we do on a daily basis is consistent with our values and aspirations.
Excellence Always
Total Confidentiality
Full Transparency
Technical capacitation
We conduct all of our actions based on two pillars: quality and excellence. And to guarantee the high level of our services, we are always looking for new trends, continuously investing in research and knowledge development. In this way, we guarantee the exclusive quality standard of our services. Excellence is the guarantee of our business' longevity.
Independent action eliminates conflict of interest. We act with integrity above all, we strive to maintain the highest professional standards, providing solid recommendations and always preserving our independence.
We maintain complete confidentiality of confidential information. Our customers have the guarantee that the information they transmit to us is of absolutely restricted use. We understand that confidentiality is the cornerstone of information security, so we strictly preserve the information of the people and companies with which we relate.
We conduct our relationships transparently and truthfully. We provide clear, comprehensive and truthful information about our ideas, proposals, processes, services, practices, commitments and beliefs.
We seek as much depth as possible in the knowledge related to our areas of activity, motivating innovative reasoning. We want to know in depth and in detail the themes with which we are involved, so that there is room for the emergence of new and creative ideas.

Who's Who in Structured Finance Uqbar directory
Main institutions in the Brazilian structured finance market

“The Best of The Best in Turnaround Management 2017” Award - British magazine AI Magazine
Best Corporate Restructuring Offices in Brazil

Exclusive methodology for consulting on Value Creation Strategy Solutions

Certification granted to companies recognized as an excellent place to work
Grand Hill is a signatory to the Global Compact on human rights, labor, the environment and the fight against corruption. Know more.